Twitter reacts to James Charles & ‘Isaiyah13’ grooming claims after Tiktok Video & Screenshots

James Charles has been accused of grooming a 16-year old named Isaiyah13 on Twitter but the Internet celebrity said the Tiktok video and the claims are false.
Isaiyah went on Tiktok and alleged that the Youtube star James Charles forced him into sending “inappropriate” pictures of himself. “After telling him no ….. he kept on asking me for pictures and videos of body … hair and me flexing and stuff” The 16-year old also said James asked for facetime and he said NO.
“After sending me that first picture of his body explicitly, he sent me multiple after that. ” Isaiyah said. “I was getting really uncomfortable so I told him my age, I told him I’m 16, meanwhile he’s 21, he’s a grown man.“
James Charles speaks on grooming allegations
“There’s a video going around about me on TikTok and Twitter of a guy calling me a groomer and I want to address it right away. The accusation that I have groomed this person is completely false” James Charles said.

“Last week, I came across someone on my Instagram explore page, saw he followed me, and added him on Snapchat. The next morning, I woke up to several snaps from this person being excited I added him back, saying he loved me, and also lewd photos of himself in the shower. I asked how old he was right away and he told me he was 18 so I started flirting back.”
James added: “In the excitement of meeting someone I thought could be potentially great, I didn’t ask for a copy of his ID or passport. It’s now clear, based on the video he uploaded, he was taking photos of me with another device and had an ulterior motive from the beginning.
“Later in the day, he said a few things that made me question the validity of his original age answer and when I asked him to confirm his age once again, he admitted he was 16. I told him I was really uncomfortable and apologized for flirting, but he insisted on continuing talking, saying it could be our little secret, he’s a fan of mine and would never tell anyone. I told him I wasn’t okay with this, he started getting upset, and at this point, I unfriended him. We haven’t spoken since.”

Charles said after several false allegations in the past, he “would never knowingly engage with anyone underage and put my life on the line for a few Snapchat”
Isaiyah13 screenshots with James Charles & Twitter reactions
To further support his allegations, Isaiyah13 shared a chat screenshot with James Charles but some Netizens feel the screenshots are “irrelevant with no proof”
“Ok see now you lost me. First it was “I told him I was 16” and now it’s “it was on my TikTok but he didn’t add me on TikTok but he should’ve checked(???)” these are serious allegations my guy you can’t just post irrelevant screenshots with no proof of an actual crime,” A Twitter user wrote.
A lady wrote. “james didint know that the guy was taking pictures of his texts. Why would james take pictures of the chats if he didn’t know what was going on. He is obviously a clout chaser. He got a second device to take a picture of the texts. One of the most important screenshots”
Another lady wrote. “Can you please provide screenshots where u say u r 16 to him and he dodges that and doesn’t stop. Just to clarify your allegations towards @jamescharles because none of this is clear and if james is actually a groomer he needs to be held accountable.”