3-year-old boy, Asiah, dies after 150 rounds fired into North Carolina home

According to authorities, a 3-year-old kid was murdered when approximately 150 bullets were fired into a residence in Charlotte, North Carolina, late on September 7.
According to authorities, eleven individuals were there at the time, and 3-year-old Asiah Figueroa was struck and killed. His 4-year-old sister was also hit but is likely to live, according to authorities.
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department provided surveillance footage as part of an information request. On the 2400 block of Richard Rozzelle Drive, it shows numerous persons emerging from cars and firing. Fox5Atlanta Reported.
The police footage shows two cars coming up to the house and individuals stepping out to shoot at the house for at least 12 seconds before fleeing. Asiah was found with a gunshot wound by responding cops and was declared dead at a hospital.
Capt. Joel McNelly stated during a press conference Wednesday afternoon that Asiah was resting in his bed when the bullets rang out.
“This should outrage everyone who hears this,” McNelly said.
Authorities have not named any suspects, but they believe the attacks are related to high school rivalries.
McNelly added: “What started out as teenage dispute games has turned into a deadly game that’s now taken two lives,”.
McNelly appealed to the community to assist in identifying the shooters, especially asking parents of students at the high schools to assist.
’What we need is for you to be as outraged about this as we are,” he said.