Father, Khabaugh Musgrave, Sentenced to prison for daughter’s death

A man identified as Khabaugh Musgrave has been sentenced to 17.5 years in prison by Lake Criminal Court judge for the death of his 15-month-old daughter, Najae Musgrave.
Khabaugh Musgrave, 27, of Gary, was sentenced to 13 years in prison, two years in the Lake County Community Corrections alternative placement program, and 2.5 years on probation on Tuesday.
“She [ Khabaugh daughter, Najae Musgrave] was particularly defenseless, particularly helpless,” Judge Natalie Bokota said. “And that makes the crime particularly heinous.”
In July, Musgrave pled guilty to one count of violence resulting in death to a person under the age of 14, a Level 2 felony.
The state consented to a maximum of 17.5 years in prison, which is an advisory sentence for a Level 2 crime.
Khabaugh Musgrave Daughters’s Death
Musgrave said he was “deeply sorry” for the “biggest mistake” he’s ever made. Nwitimes reported.
“I don’t know what came over me that day,” he said. “I just really don’t know how to forgive myself.
“I feel like I left them, like I failed as a father,” he added. “I just feel like I let everybody down.”
Musgrave’s criminal past, according to defense counsel Kerry Connor, should not be used against him because he stayed out of trouble following his first conviction.
Connor stated that there was no doubt Musgrave’s conduct resulted in his daughter’s terrible death, but he did not mean to murder her.
He had a night job and had been unable to control his irritation and fury while caring for his children, she said.
According to Connor, the matter took years to settle because Musgrave found it difficult to accept to himself that he was responsible for the death of a little kid.
Musgrave intends to acquire his GED and employment training while jailed in order to provide for his children after finishing his term, according to her.
According to data obtained by The Times, this was not Musgrave’s first accusation of abusing Najae.
Records reveal that the baby was taken from her parents’ care in March 2016 after her mother brought her to a hospital for blisters on her feet and sores on her knees. She was restored to her parents’ custody before being subjected to the abuse that resulted in her death.
Judge Bokota expressed her belief that Musgrave’s regret was genuine.
She awarded him credit for nearly 4.5 years previously served while his case was being resolved.
The court also informed Musgrave that he may ultimately request placement in Lake County’s Community Transition Court, which assists imprisoned persons in reintegrating into society by linking them with employment opportunities and other assistance.
“I hope you’re able to restore your life, as best you can, with your remaining children,” she said.
The Judge said with Khabaugh criminal history, he warranted a longer sentence. The 27-year-old was convicted for weapons offense when he was a juvenile.