Adam Mail charge on card: What it’s about

Many people have reported receiving an unauthorized and suspicious PHE Adam Mail charge on their credit cards. We’ll go over the Adam Mail credit card charge and explain what it’s all about.
Continue reading below to learn more.
Adam Mail charge on card
This is a charge from Adam & Eve, a company that sells adult products to millions of customers online and in physical stores all over the world. The company has its corporate headquarters in Hillsborough, North Carolina.
PHE Inc., its parent company, is the largest private employer in Hillsborough, North Carolina, where the company’s headquarters are located.
The PHE Adam Mail charge is most likely showing up because you or someone else used your card details to make a purchase online or in an Adam & Eve store.
Note that, fraudsters steal or buy credit card details on the dark web and make online purchases of products on various sites to confirm if the card is active. If the card goes through they buy more goods or products from the website and resell them.
According to reports, The credit card details of millions of people are being sold to criminals on the dark web for peanuts.
What to do
If you don’t recognize the charge, contact Adam & Eve on their website. You can also contact your bank or credit card company to dispute the charges and seek reimbursement.