Challenge body mind charge on credit card: What it’s about

Many people have reported receiving credit card charges from “Challenge Body Mind” New Mexico that were not authorized and appeared suspicious. We will be sharing details about the Challenge body mind credit card charge and what it’s all about.
Continue reading below to learn more.
Challenge body mind charge on my credit card
Following an investigation, we have come to the conclusion that Challenge Body Mind is a scam.
Be aware that in order to check whether a card is active, fraudsters frequently make a small dollar transaction. As soon as it is approved, they start selling the numbers on the underground market. Small unidentified purchases on your card are typically a sign that the card has been compromised, so you should lock it right away.

The Challenge Body Mind company, based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, claims to create digital diet, nutrition, and fitness courses with expert-curated content.
In addition, the company claims to sell digital nutrition and fitness plans, as well as memberships. But we believe all these are just coverups for fraud.
The website is new

The Challenge body mind website is quite new. According to Whois data, the domain was registered in 2021 and will expire in 2023. But after more dig up, we discovered they commenced operation in late 2022.
No company address

The Challenge body mind website also has no company address. There is definitely something fishy about the website.
No social media
Also, no social media profile of the company was found. A legit company should have one or two active social media platforms.
We found lots of red flags but we will stop here for now.
Challenge body mind credit card charge: What to do
Report the charges to your bank or credit card company to probably get a refund and ask what precautions you can take to secure your account.