If My Dad Is Bald Will I Be Bald? (Know This In 2022)

The thought of you likely going bald or getting hair loss is painful especially when you noticed your mom or dad are bald.
Baldness is more common in men than in women.
If your dad is bald there is a high chance of you also going bald. According to Mayo Clinic, Heredity likely plays a key role in hair loss. A history of baldness on either side of your family increases your risk of balding.
Also, research was performed by the Department of Community Health, Wright State University School of Medicine, Dayton, Ohio, USA, and the result shows that;
“The probability of male pattern hair loss is dependent on family history and age. Hair loss in a man’s father also appears to play an important role in increasing a man’s risk of hair loss, either in conjunction with a history of hair loss in the mother or hair loss in the maternal grandfather.”
Causes of Baldness
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, Hair loss is believed to be caused by a combination of the following.
- Aging
- Change in hormones
- Illness leading to shedding of hair (called telogen effluvium)
- Family history of baldness
- Burns
- Injury
- Untreated ringworm of the scalp
- Iron or protein deficiency
- Excess vitamin A intake
- Rapid weight loss
- Certain medicines, such as cancer chemotherapy
- Certain medical conditions, such as lupus
Also, hair loss is not caused by the following:
- Poor circulation to the scalp
- Dandruff
- Wearing hats
Baldness Prevention
These tips may help you avoid preventable types of hair loss, According to Mayo Clinic.
- Take care of your hair. When brushing and combing your hair, use a detangler and avoid tugging, especially if it is wet. A wide-toothed comb may help prevent hair loss. Hot rollers, curling irons, hot-oil treatments, and permanents should be avoided. Limit the tension on your hair caused by rubber bands, barrettes, and braids.
- Inquire with your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking that may be causing hair loss.
- Sunlight and other ultraviolet light sources should be avoided.
- Quit smoking. Some studies show a link between smoking and male baldness.
- If you’re undergoing chemotherapy, talk to your doctor about getting a cooling cap. This cap may reduce your chances of losing hair while undergoing chemotherapy.
Added Tip
This is mainly for guys. You should avoid some kind of hairstyle so you don’t go bald. The most common hairstyles thought to contribute to this hair loss condition are braids, cornrows, buns, and hair extensions.