11-Year-Old Boy Shoots Intruder in Alabama said the man was “Crying like a little baby”

11-Year-Old Chris Gaither from Talladega, Alabama was home alone on a Wednesday morning when he heard a noise upstairs. Someone had broken into his house.
The scared boy grabbed a 9mm handgun. “When he was coming down the stairs, that’s when he told me he was going to kill me, f-you and all that,” Chris said.
Chris said he threatened to kill the man and ordered him to get out of the house.
“I guess when I pulled the gun out on him he didn’t think it was a real gun cause he didn’t worry about it,” Chris told WVTM-TV. “He just kept on walking.”
Once the man made it outside, Chris fired a warning shot. The man, who was carrying a stolen laundry hamper, began running.
The Talladega boy emptied the magazine, firing off 12 shots by the time the intruder neared a fence in the family’s front yard, the 11-year-old told the station.
The final shot hit the man in the leg. “I shot through the hamper he was carrying,” Chris said. “It was a full metal jacket bullet. It went straight through the back of his leg. He started crying like a little baby.”
However, The news which was first shared in 2016 resurfaced on Reddit with several reactions.
“Good job kid.” One said. Another wrote, “I can respect it. Don’t break into people’s homes and they won’t shoot then mock you. Kid probably shouldn’t have shot him after he was outside tho”. One said, “This is the shit that makes me proud to be Alabamian.”
The man was taken to a local hospital with injuries that were not life-threatening.