‘Alexander’ Technoblade passed away after battling cancer, Family Confirms

Popular Minecraft streamer and content creator Technoblade passed away at age 23 from cancer. His family confirms.
Techoblade’s father shared a statement from his son confirming the streamer’s passing in a YouTube video titled “so long geeks.”
“Hello everyone, Technoblade here,” He said. “If you’re watching this. I am dead.”
After he had kept his identity a secret from his supporters, Technoblade disclosed in the video that his real name was Alexander.
“Thank you all for supporting my content over the years. If I had another hundred lives, I think I would choose to be Technoblade again every single time as those were the happiest years of my life.”
Approximately eight hours before he passed away, Technoblade composed his final letter to his admirers, according to his father.
“I don’t think he said everything he wanted to say but I think he got the main points,” he said in a statement.
“He was the most amazing kid anyone could ever ask for. I miss Technoblade.
“Thank you to all of you, for everything. You meant a lot to him.”
Technoblade Cancer
Techno cancer diagnosis became public in August 2021 after he revealed he noticed arm pain in July and took a few days off to heal after attributing it to a repetitive stress injury from gaming.
However, he went to the hospital after a few days because he saw his shoulder was swollen and believed he had broken a bone.
“They performed a couple of scans and told me the reason my arm hurts is because I have cancer,” he explained.
“That really couldn’t have gone worse.”

“We, the family of Technoblade, wanted all of you to know just how much he adored and respected his fans and colleagues.” The Family said in a statement.
“From Technoblade’s earliest online days, he was always strategizing ways to delight and reward his audience – giving away online prizes, encouraging good sportsmanship, and most of all sharing his Minecraft adventures for entertainment and laughs.
“Even after his eventual successes he somehow managed to keep his good-natured humility, competing with an endearing balance between confidence and self-deprecating wit.
“We ask you to continue to honor his wishes to protect his privacy and the privacy of his family.”