Arizona State University students want Kyle Rittenhouse expelled, says ‘KILLER OFF CAMPUS’

Several student organizations at Arizona State University are requesting that Kyle Rittenhouse, who is now enrolled in online programs as a ‘non-degree seeking’ student, be removed from the institution.
Even though Kyle Rittenhouse was cleared of all charges, leftist students at Arizona State University are trying to have him removed from his studies, calling him a racist and “bloodthirsty murderer.”
“KILLER OFF CAMPUS,” reads the flyer, calling for the university to “protect students from a violent, blood-thirsty murderer.”
A list of four demands includes getting the 18-year-old cleared killer withdrawn from ASU, as well as for the school to “release a statement against white supremacy and racist murderer Kyle Rittenhouse.”
It also calls for a multicultural center to be a safe space “from white supremacy.” The groups also want police funding to instead go to a multicultural center and to get a CAARE “healing” center.
The protest is also backed by Students for Justice in Palestine, the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition, and the Mexican American student group MEChA de ASU.
The groups concede that Rittenhouse — who has said he supports Black Lives Matter — was cleared of all charges over the triple shooting during riots last year in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The jury agreed that he had been defending himself after getting attacked.
But the groups dismiss that as proof of a “flawed ‘justice’ system” — insisting, “Kyle Rittenhouse is still guilty to his victims and the families of those victims.”
A spokesperson for ASU’s Students for Socialism told Fox News that they do not feel safe with a “mass shooter” being “so carelessly allowed” at the school, even if he appears to be just online.