Beautiful Mother Of 6 Stabbed To Death By Fiance

So sad as a mother of 6 has reportedly been stabbed by her Fiance. The six girls will have to grow up without a mother to care for them.
Her fiance, Raymond Thompson, 34, is being held without bail after turning himself into police custody over the weekend. According to Philadelphia Inquirer.
He is charged with killing Ashley Lockhart, 32, in a vicious knife attack inside the Honda Odyssey on the 5300 block of Chestnut Street around 8:30 a.m. Saturday.

According to Fox 29, Police found Lockhart’s body with multiple stab wounds to the body, and one to her face.

According to the District Attorney’s Office, Lockhart had a protection order against Thompson, although the pair were living together. Thompson has several prior arrests dating back to 2005, including aggravated assault.
“This particular victim obviously did the right thing. For some reason, she was back with this man in that particular van. I don’t know the circumstances of that, I don’t know why that was. But sadly enough she is not going to be here to tell us what happened,” Philadelphia DA’s Office Chief of Homicide Joanne Pescatore said.
A Gofundme has been created for the mother of 6 and it has raised over $48,400.
“Ashley was an amazing Mother, dedicated working Mother and devoted Mother. She loved all of her children and devoted her time energy and made sacrifices for them that they will forever remember.” The Gofundme read.