CA EDD MEUC: What we know on Mixed Earner $100 Per Week Boost & How to apply

Beginning June 30, 2021, the Employment Development Department will begin sending out invitations to possibly eligible Californians to apply for the federal Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation (MEUC) program.

Those who earned both regular earnings and more than $5,000 in self-employment wages are eligible for an additional $100 per week in supplementary unemployment benefits under the federal program. EDD said.
What is the MEUC program all about?
The program which was created by Congress during the pandemic, is a supplemental payment for eligible claimants. It is intended to further support workers with multiple income streams including self-employment.
EDD will begin sending claimants who may be eligible for the additional benefit text messages and emails with a tailored application link on June 30.
Those who do not apply online will receive paper applications in the mail. Applicants will have until September 6, 2021 to submit their claims.
“Eligible claimants can receive up to a total of 36 weeks of payments,” EDD said.
These benefits are available for any weeks an individual was jobless and satisfied standards, even if they have since returned to work.
EDD MEUC Eligibility
A claimant must:
- Be eligible to receive at least $1 in unemployment benefits, or have had your unemployment benefits applied to your overpayment, for each week between December 27, 2020, and September 5, 2021, that you wish to collect the extra MEUC payment.
- Apply for the MEUC program and provide documents that prove your net income (your pay after all taxes and deductions) from self-employment was at least $5,000.
- Be eligible for benefits on a regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) claim, Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), or Federal-State Extended Duration (FED-ED) extension.
Individuals receiving Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) or Training Extension (TE) payments are ineligible for the MEUC program.
How to Apply
Beginning June 30, 2021, if you are possibly eligible, the EDD will send you an email with application instructions or a mail-in application. Make sure you fill out and return the application.
After you apply, The EDD will send a notice in the mail about your eligibility. If you are eligible, we will automatically add $100 to each week of your unemployment payments.
You must continue to submit your weekly certifications.
To apply for the MEUC program, you have until September 6th.