Safemoon wallet card & Apple Pay: What it’s about

One of the newest and fastest growing cryptocurrency, Safemoon seems to have unveil a new wallet card.

“We were trying play this video, but then you broke everything. Stream will be up in #imminent! Thank you for the patience.” Safemoon CEO, John Karony tweeted after revealing the crypo card.
SafeMoon is an altcoin, which is a blockchain-based digital money that is similar to Bitcoin but has several key differences. It went live in March 2021 and now has over a million members.
SafeMoon’s distinctive feature is that anybody who sells their tokens is charged a 10% cost, with 5% of that money being redistributed to all other SafeMoon owners, thereby rewarding those who keep their tokens and discouraging selling.
Safemoon card and Apple pay

Safemoon wallet card is apple pay compatible.
According to reports, The safemoon wallet card is usable at Starbucks and Apple Pay is accepted at 85% of retailers world wide.
The card number changes every time you use Apple Pay. It’s a one-time-use password, so if you used it and a manager hacked into the computer system a week later to steal your information or sell it to someone else, the number is worthless.
Users reaction on Safemoon wallet card
There have been several reactions on social media afte the unveil of the safemoon card. See some below.
A man wrote: “I never thought it was a scam I just wasn’t sure it wouldn’t grow this fast like it has Definitely gonna get the debit card”
Another said: “I will cancel ALL my other crypto cards when the SafeMoon card comes out.SO CONFIDENT about it”
A lady said: “I just read the CEO of Visa is heavily looking into the crypto space.My guess is they will offer SafeMoon some partnership due to the large user base.”
Another added: “If its anything like binance’s card you can use it at any place that accepts visa/mastercard, which is pretty much anywhere.No we won’t use it now but maybe in 10 years when we’re all millionaires anyway.”

Another said: “When the project matures and we lose the 10% fee then this could have its place. Especially for international travel. Right now I think it’s unnecessary hype and as said above I think the team are coming dangerously close to over selling and under delivering.”
A man said: “Really looking forward to the wallet and exchange but I still don’t get how Safemoon as a currency will work and wasn’t sure what to actually take away from that long segment on Gambia.”
Another added: “I hope theyve got a way around the 10% fee for this thing. Otherwise who wants to spend 10%+tax+ the original price.”
One said: “the more hype they put out, the more i feel like this is another cicret bracelet scam where they string people along for as long as possible…”