Personal Finance
7 Possible EDD Phone Interview Questions
Are you getting an interview with the EDD? check out this likely questions

People are getting scheduled for interviews with California Employment Development Department (EDD) pertaining to their unemployment benefit applications. We have been able to outline 7 likely questions for the phone interview.
An applicant can be called for an interview pertaining to conflicting information. Job separation, Address verification, identity verification, and income reports are also likely reasons.
See some questions below:
Possible EDD interview questions
1. Why are you no longer employed?
2. When can you go back to work and what hours can you work?
3. What are your efforts to look for work?
4. What are your availability to accept a job and What kind of work are you trying to find?
5. What work experience/training do you have for a kind of work you looking for
6. Are there reasons you could not go to work if a job was offered?
7. why did you quit your job?
You can also be asked questions about your past employer, pay stub, bank accounts, sick pay, extra earned income, and other details that you wrote on your certification.
The interview is always short because of the high influx of applications who are also waiting for their turn.
If you filled out the application with all honesty, you won’t have any issues when the EDD Phone Interview comes up.