Trump Tested Positive for COVID 3 Days Before Debate with Joe Biden

In a new report, Trump tested positive for covid-19 3 days before a debate with Biden.
Trump tested positive on Sept. 26, 2020, three days before the Sept. 29 debate in Cleveland
“Former President Trump is now responding to a new report that raises serious questions about the timing of his coronavirus diagnosis,” CNN’s Jim Sciutto reported. “His former chief of staff has said in a new book that Trump tested positive days before the White House at the time, the administration revealed that fact to the public.”
“And now CNN has learned there were whispers in the White House about Trump’s positive test before his first debate with now-President Biden,” CNN’s Erica Hill said.
“If you add all of those events together that the president — then-President Donald Trump — attended between that positive test and the presidential debate, it is potentially hundreds of people that he knowingly put at risk after receiving a positive test for COVID-19,” Orr reported.
“You know, you think you can’t be shocked anymore, and then sometimes you are,” Hill said.
Trump Covid Test

Trump said claims by Mark Meadows which said he initially received results on Sept. 26, 2020 that indicated he had contracted the virus is false.
“The story of me having COVID prior to, or during, the first debate is Fake News,” Trump said in a statement, The Independent reported. “In fact, a test revealed that I did not have COVID prior to the debate.”
Meadows writes that he noticed the president was “a little tired” and thought he might have a “slight cold” as he was preparing to leave Washington to attend a rally in Middletown, Penn., on the day of his initial positive test. The People reported.
“Stop the president from leaving,” Meadows writes White House physician Sean Conley said over the phone. “He just tested positive for COVID.”
It was too late to stop the president’s departure but Meadows writes that he reached his boss by phone on Air Force One to deliver the news. “Mr. President,” Meadows writes in The Chief’s Chief, “I’ve got some bad news. You’ve tested positive for COVID-19.”
He also said the White House was shocked to find out that the president had tested positive, despite a well-attended event in the Rose Garden for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett that very day. Dr. Anthony Fauci called it a “superspreader event” and The New York Times reported that 11 people were diagnosed with COVID after attending, including Trump.
Immediately following the positive results, which were not disclosed to the press or the public, Trump was quickly given another, more accurate test, according to Meadows, who writes that after a “brief but tense wait” the results came back negative.
Meadows writes that he could “almost hear the collective ‘Thank God’ that echoed through the cabin” of the presidential plane. Still, the chief of staff told people in the president’s immediate circle to “treat him as if he was positive” during the trip to Pennsylvania.
But Trump, he writes, assumed the negative results gave him “permission” to go on as usual, meeting with military families at the White House on Sept. 27, appearing at a Pennsylvania rally on Sept. 28 and traveling to Cleveland to participate in a Sept. 29 debate alongside Biden.
In his book, Meadows writes that he “didn’t want to take any unnecessary risks, but I also didn’t want to alarm the public if there was nothing to worry about — which according to the new, much more accurate test, there was not.”
Meadows adds that supporters at the Pennsylvania rally “would never have known that anything was amiss.”
The day before the debate, Trump held a press conference in the Rose Garden with business leaders to discuss the administration’s pandemic efforts. “Somewhat ironically, considering his circumstances,” Meadows writes, the president spoke about a new testing strategy that would “give quicker, more accurate” results.
On debate day, Meadows writes that Trump looked slightly better, “emphasis on the word slightly.”
“His face, for the most part at least, had regained its usual light bronze hue, and the gravel in his voice was gone,” Meadows writes in his book, according to the Guardian. “But the dark circles under his eyes had deepened. As we walked into the venue around five o’clock in the evening, I could tell that he was moving more slowly than usual. He walked like he was carrying a little extra weight on his back.”