review legit or scam? Find out

Novamany is a website where shoes and clothing are sold. Many online users are curious as to whether the website ( is legit or a scam.
Continue reading below to learn more.
Is legit or scam? is a scam website.

According to whois, the website was created on November 15th. The site is quite new and hasn’t got enough authority so shoppers need to be careful. has a very low page and domain authority. The site has no backlink from any high-authority website. Avoid dealing with the website.
Additionally, we discovered that the terms of service, privacy statement, return policy, and shipping information were all plagiarized from other websites. The website’s images were also stolen.
Novamany also does not have any social media page.
Are you a victim of the Novamany com scam?
If you have fallen victim to the scam and are concerned that you have given the scammers too much information, call your bank or credit card company and ask them what steps you can take to secure your account as a precaution.
Also, if you gave the scammers access to your Paypal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, or other similar accounts, contact the company and secure your account. Turn on two-factor authentication.