Pocoskin scam or legit and does it really work? Green Tea Deep Cleanse Mask Review

Pocoskin is an online store that sells Green Tea Deep Cleanse Mask. We will be writing a short review of the website.
Continue reading below to learn more about the website.
Is Pocoskin a scam or legit?
Pocoskin is a scam website.
The online website is popular due to the discounts it offers on a wide range of products. Unfortunately, the offers on the website are not genuine.

The Pocoskin website is new. The domain was registered on December 12th, 2022 according to whois data.
The website also does not have any social media presence, business address, no customer support, and no details about the owner and workers. Additionally, the discount is ridiculous.
The images used on the website were also stolen.

Furthermore, The website has a very low domain authority with no linking domains and has no recommendation from a reputable website. is a scam website and should be avoided.
Are you a victim of the website scam?
If you have fallen victim to the scam and are concerned that you have given the website too much information, call your bank or credit card company and ask them what steps you can take to secure your account as a precaution.